To take advantage of this popularity the group's management and record label devised a plan to launch KISS into super orbit with a one-two punch to the stomach of American popular culture. The first step was the simultaneous release (on September 18, 1978) of four solo albums designed to highlight the personalities of the members of KISS. Then, a month later, came the airing of what has since become known as one of the greatest disasters in rock and roll history. Even worse than the ill-advised From Justin to Kelly movie that was supposed to make stars out of the winner and runner-up of the first season of American Idol.

Gene Simmons has said that the movie was initially pitched to them as "A Hard Day's Night meets Star Wars," which I suppose sounded like a good idea at the time. The fact that it was being produced by Joseph Barbera of the Hanna-Barbera company might have given them pause given that the company was best known for its animated shows including Scooby Doo, Josie and the Pussycats, Hong Kong Phoey, Jabberjaw and about a million other campy classics well known to those of us who spent our Saturday mornings glued to the television. And they might possibly have been concerned that the film's writers, Jan Michael Sherman and Don Buday, had only one previous writing credit, a sexploitation film titled Too Hot to Handle about a hitwoman whose "deadliest weapon is her body."
But that didn't stop them from saying okay. Neither did the fact that none of them had any acting experience whatsoever. And some of us will be forever grateful that they did say yes. Because KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park is pure joy from start to finish.

Fun Fact: Abner Devereaux is played by character actor Anthony Zerbe, who had parts in virtually every 70's series including The Wild Wild West, Bonanza, Mission: Impossible, Gunsmoke and Mannix.
Abner's boss, Calvin Richards, is concerned that Abner is spending too much time and money on his pet projects. Also, he's worried that the park is losing money, although I don't know why because it looks packed. But he is. So he kind of suggests that Abner cool it with his "research" and do his job.

I imagine that you're wondering what KISS has to do with any of this. So were a lot of other people, since half an hour into the 2-hour movie the band had yet to make an appearance. They had been mentioned, though, as they were going to appear in a series of shows at Magic Mountain and most of the parkgoers are running around in KISS makeup.
Two of the people running around the park are the lovely Melissa and her fiance Sam, although they aren't wearing KISS makeup. Sam works for Abner Devereaux doing something that's never really explained and doesn't matter as that's the least of the film's issues. I don't know what Melissa does, but she has pretty hair.

Okay, so Sam tells Melissa that he has to go to the lab to help Devereaux and that she should sit around and wait for him. She decides to have a Coke and a couple of guys flirt with her but she loves Sam so she acts all offended. Meanwhile Sam is at the lab, where he finds a door open, steps into a room he's apparently never seen despite working there for months, and screams as the door slides shut. At this point we start to think that maybe something ungood has happened to him.
Having finished her Coke, Melissa is wandering around looking for Sam and not finding him. Someone tells her to check the lab, so she does. Abner brushes her off, though, and she goes away looking sad.

And now KISS finally shows up. Actually, they descend from the skies. Oh, and Paul shoots laser beams from his eyes and Gene breathes fire and it's all very odd. But cool. And then they sing "Shout It Out Loud," which isn't the best KISS song but it's okay and we're just glad they're there so we sing along.
While KISS sings Devereaux is back in the lab turning Chopper, Slime, and Dirty Dee into Revolutionary War figures. Sam is helping him, and it's pretty clear Sam is a robot as well. It's never explained how this happens, but then we only have two hours and there's not a lot of time for complicated sciencey stuff. Besides, Abner sends Sam out to take pictures of KISS because he wants to make robot versions of them, and that's way more interesting.

Now things happen very quickly, so try to keep up.
Devereaux uses the pictures Sam took to make a Gene robot. The robot then attacks some security guards and there's a lot of fire and knocking down of walls made of Styrofoam bricks and Gene clomping all over the place in his trademark dragon boots and leather pants with holes cut out of them.

Melissa, meanwhile, has gone back to the lab to see what she can find out about Sam. This time Abner is a little nicer to her and gives her this pin that he says will allow her access to any part of the park so that she can look for Sam. She thinks this is really nice of him and doesn't push the issue.
Eventually she runs into KISS again and asks them for help finding Sam. They take her into the pool house where they're staying and show her a box containing glowing talismans that they say give them superpowers. I know, this is a surprise to almost everyone, except Melissa says she's heard about the talismans but didn't think they were real. I didn't get that issue of Tiger Beat so this was news to me too and I was hoping they would explain where they got the talismans and from whom.

Hey, I was 10. And Paul said we all have special powers.

Their concert over, KISS comes back to the house with Melissa and they all sit around a fountain while Peter sings "Beth," only Melissa gets bored and wanders off and encounters Sam coming out of the house and she realizes he's some kind of robot and screams.

Now it's the next night. KISS hasn't shown up for their concert, which is making Calvin anxious and makes Melissa all hysterical because no one will tell her what's going on. The crowd isn't very happy about it either and they're getting rowdy. But then KISS shows up and everyone is excited.
Only it isn't KISS! It's the robot KISS! But the audience doesn't know that and they go wild as KISS launches into "Hotter Than Hell."

"It's time for everyone to listen good.
We've taken all we can stand.
You've got the power to rip down these walls.
It's in the palm of your hand."
I know, not nearly as fun as the real lyrics. And the chorus is even worse:
"Rip! Rip! Rip and destroy! You know the hour's getting late.
Rip! Rip! Rip and destroy! Break it down and seal your fate."
Okay. Well. The fans don't much like this change and they get angry. But that's all part of Devereaux's plan. See, he wants to work them into a frenzy so that they tear Magic Mountain apart. Apparently with their bare hands. I'd like to see how they manage disassembling the rides without wrenches and whatnot, but I'll let that go.
Something does bother me at this point, though. What with all the religious folks (a.k.a. my mother) hating KISS and insisting that the name really stood for Kings In Satan's Service and that their lyrics were going to corrupt young people and make them drink beer and sass back, you'd think the one thing they might not want to suggest is that lyrics can pervert innocent minds. But by that point they were probably just hoping to get the whole thing over with and decided to worry about it later.

Now Ace does the thumb thing again and they teleport to the concert, where they get into a fight with their robot selves and we try to ignore the fact that Ace's double is clearly African-American and doesn't look like him at all. When the robots are destroyed KISS sings "Rock and Roll All Nite" and everyone calms down and doesn't want to rip and destroy anymore.

The biggest difference (apart from a revised ending in which Devereaux is alive) is that Attack of the Phantoms gets rid of the generic music used in KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park and replaces it with songs from the group's four solo albums, which if you ask me was a great idea and should have been done in the first place. Also, Ace has fewer lines. Why? Well, when they were writing the script the screenwriters spent time with the group members to get a sense of their characters. Only Ace didn't want to do it, so all he said when they were around was, "Ack!" As a result, in the original script all his character says is, "Ack!" Ace didn't think this was funny and threatened to walk, so they gave him a couple of lines. But in Attack of the Phantoms it's back to "Ack!"
Speaking of lines, Peter Criss's dialogue in the film was overdubbed by Michael Bell, who also gave voice to numerous cartoon characters including Zan of the Wonder Twins, several of the Smurfs, and numerous G.I. Joe characters. As an actor he played Kate Jackson's ex-husband Bill Duncan in an episode of Charlie's Angels.

You may also be surprised to hear that the writers of the film weren't exactly in demand following their masterpiece. But one star did emerge from the wreckage of KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park. Terry Lester, who played Sam, went on to fame in soaps, including stints in The Young and the Restless playing Jack Abbott, Santa Barbara playing Mason Capwell, and As the World Turns playing Royce Keller. He was nominated for Daytime Emmy Awards in 1984, 1985, 1986, and 1987 but never won. He died of a heart attack on November 28, 2003, a month after the 25th anniversary of the airing of Phantom.

The curse of the Phantom seemed to stay with KISS. Within the year Peter Criss had officially left the band and Ace Frehley was deep into substance abuse and had one foot out the door. Although the band's next album, Dynasty, would be one of their bestselling and spawn the hit "I Was Made for Lovin' You," their popularity declined and subsequent albums didn't fare nearly as well. But don't feel too bad for them. Their fans, the steadfastly loyal KISS Army, continue to make them one of the most successful live acts of all time.
Finding KISS Meets the Phantom of the Opera is not particularly difficult. Although for years it was unavailable except for a VHS release and a brief appearance on DVD, KISS fans have kept it alive and copies can be found on ebay and other sites. The Attack of the Phantoms version finally saw the light of day when it was included on the 2007 release Kissology Vol. 2 (1978-1991). That version contains commentary from cast members Carmine Caridi and Deborah Ryan, although I have no idea if they have anything interesting to say because I couldn't bear to watch the movie a third time.

For the music used in the film Cobe turned to Chicago rock band The Names. The group, comprised of Rick Styles, Chip Greenman, Rich Pemberton, and Dave Galuzzo, had had minor success with the single "Why Can't It Be?" and its (arguably better) b-side "Baby You're A Fool."
Take a listen:
Why Can't It Be?
The Names
Baby You're A Fool
The Names

I'm not sure why Cobe thought of The Names. Maybe because they were often compared to Cheap Trick. But when you hear the music played by The Clowns in Terror on Tour and compare it to the group's singles, you might wonder too.
Anyway, he called their manager and asked if he could use their songs. The group, which had broken up some time before, was happy to reunite and go into the studio to record songs for the movie. Then someone suggested that the boys in the band play the band in the movie.
And thus were four stars born.
Okay, not really. None of them appeared in anything else. But they're the stars of this movie, so technically they're stars.
Terror on Tour is not a complicated film. The Clowns are on the rise. Audiences love their stage show, in which they dismember female mannekins and pretend to kill their background dancers. There's a lot of blood and gory imagery and everyone thinks it's thrilling.

The Clowns are supposed to be on tour, but they all live together in a house and never go anywhere so I don't buy it. Also, they perform every show in the same theater. None of this matters, though, as the movie is shot in such poor lighting that you can't see much anyway.
The Clowns have a roadie. Two, actually. Herb is a sweet young guy who is bad with the ladies and seems insecure about his looks even though he's the best looking person in the film. Jeff is a jackhole who treats Herb badly and uses him to borrow money to support his own drug problem. Herb likes to duplicate the makeup worn by The Clowns and talk to girls who think he's in the band. It's creepy in a big way, but everyone thinks he's harmless and just laughs it off.

This obsession with sex isn't a surprise given the film's pedigree. It's director is Don Edmunds. An actor who had bit parts on shows including Gidget, Green Acres, Petticoat Junction, and The Munsters, Edmunds made his directorial mark with the Nazi sexploitation film Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS (in which concentration camp warden Ilsa conducts experiments to prove that women can withstand more pain than men can) and its follow up Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (in which she oversees the female sex slaves of, well, a sheik). His handful of other films aren't much kinder to women, which suggests he wasn't all that fond of them. But we can't ask him because he died in 2009.

During all of this Herb is sneaking around having awkward conversations with girls and watching through windows as the band members have sex, which makes you wonder if maybe he knows a thing or two about the murders. Oh, and the band's enthusiastic nice-guy manager, Tim, fires Jeff for being a jackhole, which gives Jeff a good reason to want to frame the group.
Some more girls die so the detective decides to bring in a girl who was recently arrested for prostitution to see if she can infiltrate the band's world and find the killer. She wanders around and makes friends with Herb the roadie, who for some reason tells her his name is Rob. But she lies about her name too, so it's okay. Anyway, he asks her out and she says okay, which is a huge boost to his self esteem. But right now, he says, he has something to do, and off he runs dressed as a clown.

So the prostitute runs and the clown chases her. He stops long enough to kill the detective, who is also wandering around. We're really rooting for the prostitute, who has managed to evade the clown by hiding in a room behind some shelves. And for a while you think she might live, especially when she finally emerges from hiding, finds the dead detective, and takes his gun.

But there's still Herb. Still dressed as one of The Clowns, he finds the dead girl. Looking for help, he happens upon Tim.
Remember Tim? The nice-guy manager? I forgot to mention that earlier in the movie Herb was in the band's house and found a letter written to Tim from his mother. It seems mama is a religious nut of sorts, and she warns little Timmy to beware of Satan's influence, by which she means loose women.

Sure enough, Tim tells Herb that he hates loose women because they defile themselves and can never be good mothers. "I had to kill them," he insists. "They had no moral values at all. They were whores. ALL of them."
I'm not sure who made Tim the Judge of Everyone, but if you ask me he's overstepping his bounds a bit. Still, he's the one with the knife, so who's going to argue with him? Not Herb, who turns and runs. Tim chases him right onto the stage where The Clowns are performing their number "Bad to the Girls." You'd think they would stop to help their favorite roadie, but no. But I suppose they're in shock. Anyway, Tim stabs Herb a million times.

I know, I thought more would happen too. And maybe it did and I just missed it. I was a little sleepy what with the rain and the Chihuahuas piled on me and all. But I tried to pay attention, and I did take notes. Mostly they consist of "and then the clown stabbed the girl" and "someone puts on clown makeup." Which honestly is all that does happen. I swear.
Still, there are The Clowns and their lovely songs. And a lot of breasts. Also, some really good lines. For instance, during one of the sex scenes the girl asks The Clowns' drummer how long they have, to which he responds by looking down at his crotch and saying, "Eight-and-a-half. Make that nine." Classic, right?
Or how about this exchange between a naked girl in the theater balcony and the clown standing in front of her:
Naked Girl: "Is there anything I can do for you?"
Clown: "Yes. Die!"

Now I know what you're thinking. Why would I want to watch this? Why?
Because it's there. Something I've come to appreciate while writing Spawn of Bozo is that no matter how seemingly awful a film is, someone made it. They thought it up, they wrote it, they made costumes, they filmed it. This is more than most of us ever do. So we owe it to them to at least give their work a chance.
Besides, if I had to suffer through it you should too.

If you're curious about The Names, you might also enjoy visiting the website of drummer Chip Greenman. He has some inside stories about the making of Terror on Tour that you might find interesting. Also, he's the one who utters the charming "Eight and a half" line, so you might e-mail him and ask him about that.

But you might know him better as Seinfeld's Soup Nazi.
KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park
Favorite Line: "Ack!"
Rating (out of 5):

Terror on Tour
Favorite Line: "Listen to them up there. Sounds like a buncha vultures at a barbecue."
Rating (out of 5):